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Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 11.32.32 AM


Revolutionising Heat Control for Surfaces up to 232°C.


HPC® Coating is designed to control heat transfer on surface temperatures up to 232°C (450°F). It is water-borne and extremely lightweight in appearance. HPC® Coating uses a special acrylic resin blend with specific ceramic compounds added to provide a non-conductive block against heat transfer. HPC® Coating offers a “Green”, non-flammable, non-toxic formula for high heat surface applications over standard steam pipe or oven wall construction. HPC® Coating is easily applied using a texture sprayer, and can be applied over metal, concrete, wood, and other substrates.

If HPC® Coating is to be applied over flat steel surfaces, see manufacturer for instructions.


  • Replaces Wrap and Jacketing
  • Eliminates CUI
  • Easy to Repair & Inspect
  • Protects Personnel
  • No Shutdown Required
Product ChemistryAcrylic & water based
Volume Solids72%
VOC Level25.1 g/L, .209 lbs./gal.
Dry Time (at 95-205˚C)10-30 minutes per coat
Cures ByEvaporation


1. As an insulation system over hot pipes, tanks, and valves.
2. To block heat migration into cold tanks, lines, and valves.
3. As a system to block conductive and convective heat.
4. Easily applied when a hot system cannot be shut down.

Steam Pipe

Sodium Tank


HPC® Coating can be used for applications ‘up to’ 482°F (250°C). It must be applied according to Manufacturer’s Application Instructions.

The application is applied using a texture sprayer. For specific instructions on surface preparation, mixing and application, please refer to the SPI Application Instruction sheet for HPC® Coating. If HPC® Coating is applied on surfaces outdoors, you must overcoat the HPC with Super Therm®, Rust Grip®, SP Liquid Membrane or Enamo Grip according to what is needed. It cannot be left uncoated and left exposed to weather conditions. It is light-weight to insulate, which leaves it vulnerable to weather conditions. HPC® Coating must be completely dry before applying top coat.

HPC® Multi-Mesh Membrane System is used on hot pipes when continuous cycles cause movement, and where continuous impact caused by workers handling the hot pipe is unavoidable. Apply Multi-Mesh Membrane between layers of Rust Grip, Enamo Grip or Moist Metal Grip for exterior toughness. Multi-Mesh Membrane combined with Rust Grip or Moist Metal Grip forms a hard cast for exterior strength and moisture barrier to protect the HPC system. A final top-coat of SP Liquid Membrane should be added for impact resistance and movement from elongation during heat cycles to avoid stress cracks.